Beta Upsilon Chi was formed at The University of Texas at Austin in the spring of 1985 by a handful of Christian men who desired an alternative to the present fraternal lifestyle. A group of Christian men met and planned the “BYX Island Party” to formally announce the fraternity’s founding. It was the vision of the founding fathers to have a fraternity of committed Christian men, based on the unique brotherhood that a Christian atmosphere affords, for the purpose of fellowship and glorification of Jesus Christ. Through such events as parties, service projects, and evangelical outreaches, the charter members of Beta Upsilon Chi chose to unite in fellowship and glorify Jesus Christ on the University of Texas campus.
In 1993, Brett Williams, a junior at Texas A&M at the time, spent the summer at Sky Ranch where he met Wendel Weaver, a founding father at The University of Texas. Through talking with Wendel and by the direction of the Holy Spirit, a vision for a BYX chapter at A&M fell on Brett's heart. After that summer, he immediately contacted Drew Christman to share the vision the Lord had given him. A core group of about five men began to pray that God would powerfully establish BYX at A&M to fulfill the needs of accountability and brotherhood among godly college men.After a long fall of planning, BYX was started in the spring of 1994. Eighty-two men became part of the Gamma Charter Class. In the fall of 1995, the Gamma Chapter became an official chapter of Brothers Under Christ.The success of BYX can only be attributed to the faithfulness of God to meet the needs of college men who desire integrity; accountability and a close, personal walk with Jesus Christ. The strong, uncompromising, godly leadership the Lord has put in place has firmly established the organization and will keep it focused and committed to the will of God.
Dave Baca, Drew Christman, Dave Eliot, Kurtis Koop, Shawn Roznovsky, Brett Williams